Ioloniolo and Dolo and Saptan/ ニョロニョロとドロとサブタン

Visited clinics in three villages. There is no doctor but 3 to 6 nurses (they give consultations) at each location.


This guy in the photo with me is our driver who drives ambulance as well. As there is no doctor nor much medicine in the villages, when it comes to an urgent situation and if the ambulance is available, he comes from Diebougou to take patients to a bigger hospital. He was telling me a story of when he had to go get a woman, who was about to die from a snake bite, to a village very far in the middle of the night, a story of the woman's recovery, which he felt very proud of his job. The whole story and the fact how much he appreciates his job made me feel warm.

Saptan / サブタン


Ioloniolo / ニョロニョロ

Well of course it's better if there are doctors and meds. As I hear that there aren't serum stored if it's not a city then many die just because of that every year.


Dolo/ ドロ

When I hear someone's story who is proud of his job, there are two types. Type A: feeling of proudness comes mainly from his socially succeeded status. Type B: without any of that sort, his mind is filled by the simple results or effects from his work. I feel that often in the talk of Type A, "numbers" are involved, and of Type B, "humans" are involved including this person himself. I myself I think is both, or maybe many are, there' aren't many people who are absolutely one sided but when one is being proud of himself, often one is strongly tilted to one side. But I like listening to Type B because it gives me comforts and the other makes me a bit tense.

自分の仕事に自信や愛情を持っている人の話を聞くとき、彼らには2種類のタイプがあると思う。A: 自信が社会的な目に見えるような成功から来ている部分が大きい。 B: そういったものは皆無だが、シンプルな結果や効果で心が満たされている。Aの話にはよく"数字"が出てきて、Bの話にはその人自身も含めて、よく"人間"が出てくる気がする。私自身はおそらくこの二つのどちらでも結構あるんだけど、というかおそらくほとんどの人はどちらも持ってるんだけど、自信を持っている時は片方に強く傾きやすいのかもしれない。でもBの方の話を聞いている方が好きというか、落ち着く。Aの話を聞いていると、少し緊張する。



I feel that very recently I'm finally getting used to this place. Finally I feel that I'm living here.


I've never lived in a "country side" before here. Sometimes I find myself strongly looking for some sort of new stimulus in this supposed to be ordinary life. Everyday is coming to be fixed and meeting the same loved people everyday with no doubts whether if it's okay to be this way. I'm becoming to be a part of this city where everyone is everyone's relatives, and certainly this lifestyle is very new for me.


Living in those stable days, sometimes I'm just very positively calmly happy and comforted but then the next moment I am looking for something else and wanting to go on a trip. 


Before here, there were 1 or 2 persons who were very near me, and some others who were like my buddies then I lived my each day in the rapid cycle of encounters with many many impressive others. Here, there is this feeling of "everyone is related to everyone", well often literally is, and after a year and some, maybe as now there are more people who call me their family, I'm finally coming to feel that I've got used to it and am living here.


But I realize that I'm wanting changes so I come to ponder what I'm wanting from that then.

Diebougou / ディエブグ

日記/ diary very personal


Woke up at 6am then to the office, saying hi to everyone doing Internet until noon, to Brigite's to eat lunch, to Kabore's and fall asleep, to Mr. Karate's to say hi, to Malo's store ending up having a discussion on a topic of race, to No-Biel to give hugs to Chieck and Marcus, to Sami's to drink a cup of tea, then back home washing myself and clothes, then it's already passed 6pm.


I just wonder sometimes, that if there are any other places in this world where people welcome me with so much energies being expressed. Similar feeling I had in a countryside in the states, but I like this way of expression of love towards people, the expression that is very direct and could seem exaggerated. This world could be just with full of lies but there always be the truths inside. Then I'd rather live in the world where is filled with positive lies. Maybe exaggerate one's tiny positive energy to the maximum, then let it be out. If I can believe it till the end, then I can say it all was just the truth, at least for me.


Maybe they like me because I'm Japanese, because I'm a foreigner. Of course that can't be the only reason but should be a part. But so what. That can't be changed. The way I look, my skin color, my native tone, or the culture I was raised in, will never change. Those things can even be the proof of myself for being myself. In these very changeable days that I don't know where to find sure things, I should keep those unchangeable myself because they could indicate me the path to look back when I get lost, to confirm myself.


After a year, I still get annoyed by my own feelings of isolation regarding to people's tendency of making differences between myself and themselves for our skin color. Maybe it is because in my teens I was feeling inferior in comparison to others for not being able to find what they seemed to find important important. Maybe that's why I still don't like it when being told that I am different. But the hardest was when being told that I was wrong because there is a universal right and I didn't consider it so. Then maybe it's way easier to be given up at the first place for the reason that I'm different that I can't be helped. 


Everyday is very new as if I am just born when I wake up. I've been almost always like this since long time ago. When there is a performance to give or a fixed work to do, I kinda fake myself with force to make me exist in a spot where I can be the best of me for the time programmed. Because I've already learned how to prepare myself, I feel that I'm somehow managing to live a social life. But when there aren't those needs, I face to myself at each moment to ponder what the heck to do now, or now, or now, everyday is very tiresome and very new.


Often that tiresome me makes me tired and I feel like I just wanna hibernate but because you say it's okay you still love me in the all the way how I am, I try to love me as well as much as possible, and then I think that I can only live my very new today with my best. 


クーデター未遂と退避未遂/ failed coup d'état and failed evacuation


At the end, the "Coup d'état was failed" then my "order of evacuation was failed" after 8 days of almost never being able to walk outside due to the restrictions decided by my organization. Now I feel that those 8 days of not knowing what was going to happen made me aware of the existence of many important things, ppl, and their and my own feelings.


Of course there were many times I felt bored or not want to do anything, or not want to meet anyone during my days in Diebougou but when I was first told that we are evacuating to Japan in a few days, I cried. What I imagined and missed so much already was the warm-family-gatherings at Kabore's. I was to come back here anyway but thinking not being able to come back for just some months simply made me very sad.


I've only called two ppl, Kabore and Brigite, to tell that I had to go back to Japan. They both cried and couldn't continue next words.


With Mayumi, the other volunteer at Diebougou, talked about our time home. We said "it was such a fun." I know what it has been for each of us should be really different. Diebougou for Mayumi, and for me should never be the same, but at that moment, surely we both pictured each one's family there and I felt we are sisters. 


One day prior to our first scheduled flight, the chief of the burkina office, Mr. Morishita has visited us in the dormitory. As telling his minds, that how much he wanted us to stay, he was almost crying. The fact that someone who is so passionate about our volunteering program is our chief at Burkina office, and that I could have known that made me a bit emotional, and proud.


We all 14 volunteers were locked in for a week, some days not even being able to go shop. Eating together, washing together and sleeping together. I thought I was gonna die from stress. I bet not being able to decide my own today following my will does no good on my health.


But as living together under such circumstances for a week, I got to know other volunteers well and felt some sense of team-ness here.


When I was told the cancellation of the order of evacuation, I was already way too tired from the constant change of plans. I didn't really get to feel happy about the final decision, rather I was just relieved that it's somehow over now.


I'm looking forward to going back more than ever. The whole thing was so tiresome, but this days made me realize how much I am loving there, and how much being loved. Overall, it was such a great experience that gave me lots of things.

How to make Attieke at Madame. Ouattara's. 社会科見学-オルタンスおばちゃんちでアッチェケ作り-

Get the maniocs at the market, then wash.

Peel, and chop.


Put them into the machine with water to have them ground. You need a mask to protect yourself from the smogs (if no machine do all this by hands.)


Stir with hands.


Drain off the water.


Mix with prepared fermented ground maniocs.


And Palm oil.


Cover tight with plastics, leave them under the shades for a half day.


Check if well fermented, then put into a bag tie tight.


Leave there to have the water almost completely drained. (If no machine, use stones)










Put oil and salt then eat.






You find Kabore's baby Safiata in everyone's arms. Except that it's her mom who feeds her, she is everywhere being taken care of by everybody including other kids from neighbors. But this isn't a special case only for her, but this is how babies are often treated here in this community. Maybe it's how it used to be in Japan, too. A mom would never hesitate to have her kids to be taken care of by others, maybe because that's how everyone has grown up. Being loved by everyone, and raised with everyone.




I hear often in Japan people saying that now many don't even know the names of one's neighbors, and I'm one of the many. I don't know the people who are next to our house in Tokyo. Even in NY, I didn't even bother to go greet them. Here, neighbor come and stay as if is a family member, eat, talk, take care of kids, and it feels we all are just living together.




Me, who has always been okay not knowing the neighbors sometimes feel "so what? I need my own time." Haha, but at the end of the day, I am appreciating the way here, and finding it great. And start dreaming if I would ever be able to raise my kids in such environments, how wonderful it would be.


my ordinary life


From a volunteer living in Dominican Republic, I was asked to gather some funny or surprising stories about Burkina Faso from other japanese volunteers, as she wants to make a book with lots of stories about many countries. She says some stories that are of different point of views from that of tourists. As the book targets japanese reader, I'm thinking that the number of japanese volunteers should go beyond the number of Japanese tourists in this country. I'd be personally more interested in hearing from touristic point of view if possible. Thought I write blog, I mainly write about my daily feelings, readers of my blog wouldn't really get any idea about how Burkina Faso may be. Well, I don't write much descriptions on purpose as I don't believe that my writing is capable of delivering the reality of this great land, and what I can be sure is always my feelings only. But anyway, I'm going to see if I can find any stories.
Saying "kwa kwa kwa" in stead of knocking on the door
Using masks, which look like eye-masks.
All kinds of fishes are known as "fish" no one knows or cares their kinds.
All the teas except green tea, are called "Lipton." Green teas are called "Chinese tea."
Have good eyesights. Glasses are for show.
Noon to 3 pm is the lunch break. Go home, eat, take a nap, wash ones body and then head to work again.
Before meeting people, wash ones body because meeting someone being stinky is impolite. In the hot season, get sweat and become stinky so easily, then one can happen to wash himself 3 or 4 times a day as long as there is water.
Dogs, pig, goats, donkeys, cows, chickens or guinea fowls are walking on the paved roads as if their yards. They come eat grass in my yard too.
Chickens are usually killed on the day they are to be eaten and we can through bones on the ground as they are to be eaten by dogs and cats. I've been asked if its true that in the world, 'packed meats' are sold in supermarkets.
For the most people fever equals to "Malaria." So many die from trying to cure themselves by taking medicines for Malaria when they actually suffer from other diseases like typhoid.
Funerals happen very often. Every week I hear someone going to someone's funeral.
Everything is something that is there in my everyday so naturally and is not funny neither surprising anymore but I listed things that I hadn't had in the places I have formally lived. All are the stories from Diebougou, I don't know other places. When it comes to Burkina Faso, I feel like there are so much unknown things to be delivered to the world before funny stories from foreigners' living experiences. In this flow of time that is very calmly passing by, shaking hands to greet each other, being called my name from almost every person who sees me, eating together from a same bowl, and sleeping properly but sometimes getting excited about the issues and discussing until they are being solved, and living to make the most of it. It's hard to describe how it's like living in this reality.

diary of this morning

Mornings in the rainy season can get really chilly in Diebougou. Waking up from a dream that everything what I wanted was there makes me feel a bit lonely once back to the reality. 

Maybe it's that the fact I'm too me now. I've been me since long time and am ok with not being able to really share me, not having a person who'd be able to completely understand me, not being able to affirm my rightness by finding many who think exact the same as myself. But now it's getting a bit extreme, maybe. Maybe I should really go back to ny at the end. To my place of internationalism. The place everyone is sick and crazy, and free. I don't want anyone categorizing me or telling the way should be regarding to whatever I seem belonging to. I want them to realize that I do not belong anywhere, I don't have to. I'm sick of hearing those categorizations regarding to the skin colors from both sides. It does feel safe maybe, to group them and say "see? That's why we are different. I don't need to understand you, I don't need to like you, because we ain't the same." don't they realize that there is no one who really is the same? I don't interfere with people, I don't care how ordinary or extraordinary you are so don't bother asking me whatever, to make sure that it's me who is the one insane, so you are safe.
I speak 4 languages. Because 3 are one of the major languages of the colonizations, are pretty useful in today's world. So I've experienced being in the cultures where I definitely don't seem belonging to, and have experienced being attached more to them than to the ones which seem my own. It's not just the feeling of liking them but more like finding my own self in them, my definite identities which seemed new, but the most true to me. But not to say that I belong there. I just feel the same sort of attachment for those places that are supposed to be my origin and for those not. The same can be said to every individual being I encounter in my life. Yes, I am happy to find out that someone I meet is from Colombia, but it isn't because I consider the nationality Colombian as something special, it's because she'd lived in the place where I love, and we have the loved place in common, and we share the language. Languages are like music instruments. You can still talk about the music without playing, but if both of you can play, you play, and feel something beyond the former communication, that feeling is like the culture in its language itself. 
Some would understand what I'm writing and others wouldn't. And that's absolutely okay. I feel like I keep saying the same thing for years. The feeling of "somewhat out of place" has grown to be an absolute truth in me. And I liked living in New York because many, in some way, belonged to one place of "not belonging anywhere." If you know already you don't belong anywhere, you'd never feel out of place because whatever the place doesn't have to exist since beginning.  
私の書いていることを理解する人もしない人もいるだろう。それで良い。同じことをもうずっと言い続けているような気がする。居心地の悪さ、は自身の中で真実に変わった。ニューヨークで暮らすのが好きだったその理由は、たくさんの人がある意味で同じところに属していた: 何処にも属さないというところに。もしすでにそこはだれの場所でもないのだと知っていれば、居心地の悪さなど感じない。そこは別にどんな場所であっても良いのだから。