NY, Travels, and Others

Sri Lanka

ラーガラは寒かった スリランカに行こうと思ったきっかけは、今年やったお絵かきコンクールだった。ブルキナファソで協力隊員をしていた私とスリランカで協力隊員をしていた高田ナオコが繋がって、今たったひとりでブルキナファソで協力隊員をしている市川ヨ…


Miyuの施術者のマニックさんとお世話してくれたアノーシャさん スリランカは前半は従姉妹と一緒にアーユルヴェーダ体験をしていました。アーユルヴェーダはインドが起源の現在存在する医療の中で最古のものと(書いている本があった)言われている民間伝統医療…

Deux ethnies /2つの民族/Sinhala and Tamil

Au Sri Lanka, 70% sont de l'ethnie Sinhala et on peut dire 20 à 25 % sont de l'ethnie Tamil. Jusqu'au 2009, il y avait la gère civile de Tamil contre Sinhala. J'entends que toujours jusqu'aujourd'hui la supériorité de Sinhala et différenci…


I was at Komagane Training Center (KTC) for about 70 days as a preparation for my dispatch to Burkina Faso. The biggest aim of my stay there was French language study. There was an internet based learning materials (e-learning) we were ass…


There is something important I have learned in the 6 years of my life in NY. It was maybe my second year there that I realized I do have some families in NY, not genetically or legally related or anything but there were some people who I l…

children at the ballet studio/バレエ教室の子供たち

As my request of changing the date of dispatch to Burkina Faso has been accepted, I had gotten three extra months to stay here in Tokyo. I was originally going to stay here until the beggining of April and was going to be sent to Burkina F…

派遣時期変更/change of the time of dispatch


Study Camp in Takakuma/ 高隈での研修合宿

As some of you have already known, I've been back in Japan from New York to prepare for my next journey. Last year I applied for a volunteer program of JICA, which is like Japanese Peace Corps, and got accepted. Burkina Faso will be the co…

Time of transition / 移行の時間

I had never known how I would feel by leaving NY and still I don't really know how I'm feeling now. I moved to NYC at the age of 19 and now I'm 25, after 5 and half years, I left there. Since the time I moved there, I've never considered m…


By Guatemala's largest lake Atitlan, I encountered an old woman. By walking up the hill from the lake's port of Santa Cruz, one can reach the area of her people's residence. She was sitting outside (supposedly) her house and quietly, emoti…

Queridísima mi papá colombiano/ My dearest Colombian dad

Hace 3 años desde cuando fui a Colombia por la primera vez. Fue el fin del Noviembre de 2010. Aun que había tomado dos clases del idioma español en mi universidad, no lo hablaba o entendía. Fui allá para hacer una presentación del teatro c…

Dear English language

It's been a while since I moved to NY. I was 19 when I moved here, and now I am 25. I was such an awful highschool student. I feel like I wasn't present almost like half the time of my three years highschool, but for some reasons, i did gr…


ニューヨークで一番の財産は、ゆいまに逢った事。 渡米して次の年から2年間(多分)通ったBorough of Manhattan Community Collegeで 2回目のセメスターで取った、歌のクラス。ソプラノとかメゾとか決めるから、何でも 良いから唄ってって言われて、私は同…

NYの大事な場所、ケイブ/My home in NY, CAVE


青年海外協力隊/Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers
