Entries from 2014-01-01 to 1 year

英語のクラス/ English class

今日私は生まれて初めて、試験監督をした。木曜日にティーチングアシスタントをしてる英語クラスで今日はテストがあった。来週はクリスマスだし、その次はニューイヤーだしでしばらくクラスはないのだが、その前にわかってるかなーと確認テスト。Today I bec…

ディエブグの街に色をー2週目/Giving Colors to the City of Diebougou ProjectーWeek2


ディエブグの街に色をー1週目/Giving Colors to the City of Diebougou ProjectーWeek1


写真のにおい/ smells in photos

19の時、インドのコルカタに2週間滞在した。マザーテレサが作った施設のひとつに通った。そこで見た風景は、その時の私にとっては強烈に真新しくて、今私がブルキナファソに住んでいるのも、あのコルカタでの2週間のせいなのかもしれない。 I was 19 then. I…

Yamada Mayumuna/ やまだマユムーナ

Yamada's rice field/ やまだのたんぼHere in Diebougou, there is one other Japanese volunteer who works as a cultivator. Her name is Mayumi Yamada, but to make it easy for people to remember, she sometimes introduce herself as Mayumuna, it's…

セヴェリン/ Cévéline

セヴェリンと仲良くなって行く。彼女は最初、明らかに私を「別のもの」として見ていたし私も彼女を別のもの、「貧しい子」として見ていた。話しかけずらかった。多分、お互いに。仲良くなれる気がしなかった。いつからだろう、近づき出したのは。Cévéline an…

「とぅばぶぅ」の私 Me, a "Tubabu"


仕事(無償)みつけたかも!maybe I found my job! (Not payed)


ホーム-ブルキナファソ/ Home -Burkina Faso-

ディエブグに戻って来て、仕事のパートナーのカボレに会って、ああ私、家に帰って来たって思った。The moment I saw my work partner Kabore in Diebougou, I felt that I came back home. 新しい環境で生きていくには、その環境が自分にとって新しくなくな…

A change of regime/ 政権交代

It's been just a month since I moved to Burkina Faso and I'm now facing the moment of the great change for the country. People of Burkina stood up against to the extension of President Blaise Compaore's 27years rule by gathering and settin…

Connection btw languages and people/ 言語と人との間のつながり

I love learning languages because I know that languages show the culture. I believe that without speaking the language of the place, one would never get to know some big part of the culture. 言語を学ぶ事が好きだ。言語の中には文化があると思…

ジャンベと大地/Djembe and the earth

ジャンベを叩き始めるのは皆早い時期で、アクセサリーのような習い事として叩く訳じゃない。その音やリズムには、個人の文化や生活が詰まってる。一人一人の人生を音楽の中で感じる。People start playing djembe young. They don't play it to make them lo…

日本人の私/Me being here as a Japanese



I was at Komagane Training Center (KTC) for about 70 days as a preparation for my dispatch to Burkina Faso. The biggest aim of my stay there was French language study. There was an internet based learning materials (e-learning) we were ass…


There is something important I have learned in the 6 years of my life in NY. It was maybe my second year there that I realized I do have some families in NY, not genetically or legally related or anything but there were some people who I l…

children at the ballet studio/バレエ教室の子供たち

As my request of changing the date of dispatch to Burkina Faso has been accepted, I had gotten three extra months to stay here in Tokyo. I was originally going to stay here until the beggining of April and was going to be sent to Burkina F…

派遣時期変更/change of the time of dispatch


Study Camp in Takakuma/ 高隈での研修合宿

As some of you have already known, I've been back in Japan from New York to prepare for my next journey. Last year I applied for a volunteer program of JICA, which is like Japanese Peace Corps, and got accepted. Burkina Faso will be the co…