Ioloniolo and Dolo and Saptan/ ニョロニョロとドロとサブタン

Visited clinics in three villages. There is no doctor but 3 to 6 nurses (they give consultations) at each location.


This guy in the photo with me is our driver who drives ambulance as well. As there is no doctor nor much medicine in the villages, when it comes to an urgent situation and if the ambulance is available, he comes from Diebougou to take patients to a bigger hospital. He was telling me a story of when he had to go get a woman, who was about to die from a snake bite, to a village very far in the middle of the night, a story of the woman's recovery, which he felt very proud of his job. The whole story and the fact how much he appreciates his job made me feel warm.

Saptan / サブタン


Ioloniolo / ニョロニョロ

Well of course it's better if there are doctors and meds. As I hear that there aren't serum stored if it's not a city then many die just because of that every year.


Dolo/ ドロ

When I hear someone's story who is proud of his job, there are two types. Type A: feeling of proudness comes mainly from his socially succeeded status. Type B: without any of that sort, his mind is filled by the simple results or effects from his work. I feel that often in the talk of Type A, "numbers" are involved, and of Type B, "humans" are involved including this person himself. I myself I think is both, or maybe many are, there' aren't many people who are absolutely one sided but when one is being proud of himself, often one is strongly tilted to one side. But I like listening to Type B because it gives me comforts and the other makes me a bit tense.

自分の仕事に自信や愛情を持っている人の話を聞くとき、彼らには2種類のタイプがあると思う。A: 自信が社会的な目に見えるような成功から来ている部分が大きい。 B: そういったものは皆無だが、シンプルな結果や効果で心が満たされている。Aの話にはよく"数字"が出てきて、Bの話にはその人自身も含めて、よく"人間"が出てくる気がする。私自身はおそらくこの二つのどちらでも結構あるんだけど、というかおそらくほとんどの人はどちらも持ってるんだけど、自信を持っている時は片方に強く傾きやすいのかもしれない。でもBの方の話を聞いている方が好きというか、落ち着く。Aの話を聞いていると、少し緊張する。



I feel that very recently I'm finally getting used to this place. Finally I feel that I'm living here.


I've never lived in a "country side" before here. Sometimes I find myself strongly looking for some sort of new stimulus in this supposed to be ordinary life. Everyday is coming to be fixed and meeting the same loved people everyday with no doubts whether if it's okay to be this way. I'm becoming to be a part of this city where everyone is everyone's relatives, and certainly this lifestyle is very new for me.


Living in those stable days, sometimes I'm just very positively calmly happy and comforted but then the next moment I am looking for something else and wanting to go on a trip. 


Before here, there were 1 or 2 persons who were very near me, and some others who were like my buddies then I lived my each day in the rapid cycle of encounters with many many impressive others. Here, there is this feeling of "everyone is related to everyone", well often literally is, and after a year and some, maybe as now there are more people who call me their family, I'm finally coming to feel that I've got used to it and am living here.


But I realize that I'm wanting changes so I come to ponder what I'm wanting from that then.

Diebougou / ディエブグ