After 7 weeks from the end of our festival, we finally got to have a meeting with the member of the committee of organization. As the meeting was set at 4pm, knowing that it would never start on time, I arrived at 3:50, 10 minutes prior to the time. I'm always the first one, but there are no worries because I know that they'll come.
I like waiting for them to arrive one by one, shaking hands with everyone, saying it's been such a long time we haven't seen each other (they say this even its just 2 days without seeing.)
At 4:30, I said " when we say meeting is at 4pm, people come at 5pm." Then they say " haha, it's Africa."
It was really around 5pm we started our meeting with the arrival of beautiful Brigite. No one said sorry about being late but no one cared such things.
Once the meeting starts, people start to make serious faces as if being professional, as if there are lots of things to be discussed. Indeed, there really are, but it's funny how the mood changes.
I wasn't sure if people are still wanting to do the second edition or not. There were many conflicts and everyone was so tired afterwards. But once we got all together, sure I felt the family-ness within us, that the team was once again together, and it has certain feeling that of someone who have gone through some important time in life together. After all, I'm glad that we did it. And we still plan to do it again. Everyone was very serious, so we didn't stop talking after it got very dark. It ended with my own speech, saying that I'm always a foreigner here, but after the festival, I feel tho locals are more welcoming me, accepting me as someone who they share their life with, as a citizen of Diebougou, and that we, the members of the committee have become a big family of mine in Diebougou.