ディエブグから/ From Diebougou


I grew up without worrying about money. But I think I had other worries. When I was in high school, i was sad with no reasons. I didn't know where the sadness came from and didn't know how to deal with it. I think in japan, there are many people who experienced this sort of sadness, emptiness of mind, either in their teens like me or maybe in their adulthood. Here in Diebougou, i haven't met anyone who suffer from this kind of problem.


I thought about collecting money using internet in order to make many trash cans and an art school in Diebougou. But now, I don't know what is needed and what should be made. The reason of my feeling is that now I am just so satisfied. I feel I'm filled. I don't need any other materials for my life. At least, for me, it's good enough already.


We've grown up being surrounded by materials, and I feel we've grown up with lacking something really important. But who feel they lack materials, see the hope through their future-material-world.  We who have lived in the already-too-materialized-world might have gone too far from the soil and might have come too far to feel even our own spirits. So I was sad and empty. Something is not working at all. 


Their demand for money is earnest of course. The wave of globalization has already eroded the continent of Africa long time ago and Diebougou has already become a city that money plays a central role of its function. But still, money shouldn't be the final destination of our adventure. We should want money as a means to achieve something. I don't want to think about getting money as a means to get more money. 


In Diebougou, I get dirt all around my body. My white shirt becomes brown and I smell the soil even inside my room. Water is cut everyday so I always fill two pails with water. Greet everyone no matter who they are and I shake hands so many times everyday. Cows, chickens, porks, goats, and sheep cross the street as if it's their big garden. I usually find Coca-cola and Fanta orange as sodas and if I'm lucky, I get sprite. That's how it is here. And I am living in absolute comfort.


I say I am against to the material world but I'm thinking to seek someone to give us some money for making trash cans or art school. I find contradictions. 


If we get some $10000, I think the garbage association will be able to make the base to function as a job. But in the city where it's so hard to find someone who can pay $20 to make one trash can, I don't think we'll ever get such money from anywhere. Me, who work with them would seek for a solution, then, I realize that I'm talking about money. 


Is it really Diebougou that needs supports from some rich countries? Or is it the rich countries that need supports from Diebougou? Maybe it's both. Here is filled with full of love, and no money. Modern materials have slowly been delivered to Diebougou and people are having problems dealing with them and the soil is covered with garbage. But is that really a problem?


We talk about the issue of poverty of "developing countries." Before talking about "helping the poor countries," I think we should really think of the issue of "already developed countries." The issue of sadness and emptiness. Where are we going to go? What are we trying to do? I'm feeling like we should all come back to Africa and live close to the earth instead of constructing high buildings and going so far from the earth. But they need money. That's maybe true. Contradiction.


I deeply thank you for reading my blog. If your time allows, please think about it with me and tell me what you think. Please give your support for me, by thinking about it,  not the support for "the poverty of Diebougou," but just for me. What do you think?

ディエブグから/ From Diebougou

今日の日記 01/17/2015/ today's diary 01/17/2015

I'm coming to love Diebougou more and more and more and more everyday. I realize that I'm feeling so happy like I've never experienced before. This is crazy. But not bad at all.
Well, I had no fear for moving here but I had no expectation either. I didn't expect that I'd feel like this. I guess I'm somehow really satisfied in someway for the first time in my life.
I truly love them so much. 
Don't know if what I see would also be the truth for others. But what I see is what i see. What I feel is what I feel. I'm feeling just so happy.
I didn't want to write a blog like this because this is like a personal diary and I don't know if it can mean something to others. But I cannot think of any other better ways to express my feelings and I want to deliver my words that I wrote while I'm feeling so happy. 
I feel I'm filled with full of love. I'm coming back to my own self and that is like returning to the nature. Well, I don't know. I'll try to write again.


ごっちゃんが撮ってくれた写真。こんな表情して笑ってるんだって、自分でちょっと驚いた。/ Photo by Yuko Goto. I was a bit surprised to find that i am smiling like this.


循環/ circulation


It was about 2 years ago that I decided to move to "Africa." It was already my 5th year in New York and I was feeling like I can continue living there (NY) forever.


I'm quick at making decisions. Though I am a person who ponder a lot in general, because I decide important things by intuition, I don't take much time. When I visited JICA Dominicana, someone who worked there suggested me to apply as a volunteer to go to French spoken Africa, and I thought, that's what I'm going to do.


I had never been to African continent. I didn't have much knowledge for that either. My image was the safari and the poverty. But because I knew already that image and reality differs in any case, I didn't do much research before my move.


It's been 3 months since I started my life in Burkina Faso. What I feel now is the rightness of my intuition. What I've encountered here, is cycle of life. Birth, death, returning to the soil, and another birth. Circulation is continuation. Something that is certainly so natural exists here so naturally.  Humans, Animals, Plants, Soil, everything is coexisting. I strongly feel what is making me alive.


A great change of my perspective on life would be the fact that now I feel that I want to have children. I had never thought about that before. Not that I'm thinking about it a lot now, but today, naturally, I feel I want to. This, I think, is a part of grand circulation and a continuation of life.


If you are tired of your everyday life and you feel your life is wasted, please come visit me in Diebougou. I'm pretty sure that it will solve something that is heavily weighting on you. Anyone, even those of you who don't know me personally, we'll welcome you here. In the world, there are still so much of the unknown things and I feel so excited in discovering them in myself. Today, I feel so much that I'm glad that I'm living.


34 trash cans/ 34個のゴミ箱

For the past one month I've been talking with JICA (Japanese governmental agency that sent me here), BLAN (leader of the garbage collection association of Diebougou), Kabore (my work partner at health center) and Kinda (our artist of Diebougou) about our small project of making new 34 trash cans to distribute one each to all the schools, churches, and mosques in Duebougou. 


Diebougou, the city I love, is full of garbage. Once I go outside I see dirty plastic bags dumped everywhere. The culture of using trash cans has not yet been ingrained in people here. 


A owner of a small shop says that 15 years ago, it wasn't dirty like today. People have been throwing garbage everywhere since decades ago, but the problem today, is that there are things that don't return to the soil, such as bottles, plastics, cans, things like them. 


Yesterday I finally heard from JICA that my application was accepted and JICA can pay for the 34 trash cans. Our goal to be aimed at is to make people realize the importance of the utilization of the trash cans and stop throwing everything everywhere. So we'll be going to school to school, to churches and mosques telling what we think we should tell. 

Trash cans being made/ ゴミ箱がつくられる


Today we went to city hall to show our garbage arts and asked for the authorization of placing them there for the purpose of encouraging public awareness to this issue. 



We've also talked about our project -WOUNTOGO SUI- the project of making arts close to people's everyday life in Diebougou. That we are making arts (including arts with garbage) to distribute domestically and internationally and will make a school of art in Diebougou for the children with no parents to be able to earn their living by making arts.


I like being surrounded by active energies of people because that makes me feel that anything is possible. I'm glad that things are really moving forward. I hope in the future, Diebougou will be full of arts instead of garbage.


Postcards/ ポストカード

We started making postcards to sell them here in Diebougou, Ouagadougou, New York, and maybe in Tokyo as well if possible. I've informed about our projects to other Japanese volunteers in Burkina Faso and asked what kind of postcards they would want to buy. 


As my friend Kyomi who currently is in Tokyo has kindly accepted my offer to join us and make our website, I'm expecting that in near future, we'll be able to start selling arts from Burkina internationally. And possibly make some small money to start our art school for orphans where the kids who cannot go to school can learn to make arts and sell them to earn their living in Diebougou.


We've made some samples by making use of the suggestions from other volunteers. I'd like to introduce some here.


If anyone has any opinions for our post cards or anyone is interested in purchasing some, shoot me an email or facebook me: Miyu Leilani, I'll get back to you as soon as possible. 

どんなのがいいか、意見を下さい。購入に興味を持ってくれる方がもしいれば、是非連絡してください。フェイスブックはMiyu Leilaniでやっています。宜しくお願いします。

African Dance / アフリカの踊り

The nature/ 自然

A woman with her baby on her back/ 子供を背おったお母さん

A woman with her baby on her back who makes Tô. / 子供を背負ったお母さんがトーをつくる

Farmers of Burkina Faso./ ブルキナファソの農家

Djembe/ ジャンベ

アート/ Art

ゴミ集めをしているオブジェをゴミで創りました。/ we made the objects of people collecting garbage, out of garbage.


After a month since I came up with the idea of making art objects with garbage, we've finished making the great models. Though I've been always surrounded by arts, my field has always been theater. So visual arts are new adventure to me. Because I've luckily encountered with Mr.Kinda who has lots of idea and is very talented, my vague idea is beginning to take shape.

最初はこんな感じ/ we started from here


In Burkina Faso, art isn't very appreciated. There is no art classes in school. Mr.Kinda has started drawing at the age of 9, and has taught himself to create arts. There is no such person besides him. So, it's hard to find artists here. The concept of "art" doesn't exist here in the same way I've known.

ちょっとずつ/ little by little


People look at our objects and ask what they are. I say they are art, then they ask me again what they are. Things like this is super new to them. I love looking at their surprised faces.

水が入って売られてるプラスティックを街のお店のおじさんが200枚くらい集めてくれた。その一部。/ a man who owns a small cafe gathered about 200 plastic bags for me. Bags in the photo are some part of them.


Usually, here, "new things" are imported expensive goods. Our objects are "new things" but not expensive, they are made of garbage. "New things = expensive = good" a formula like this doesn't apply to art. 

キンダさんちのベニー/Beni, Mr. Kinda's son. 


My first impression of Diebougou was "there is nothing." I love my life here, living with minimum things. But I'd like to add art to that minimum life. Because there is nothing here, we can do anything. 

父が何か創ってるのを凝視する子供たち/ Kinda's children staring at their father making art


Imagination and creation is the hope. I believe that art will make people fertile and that will make people's life fertile. 

キンダさんちでゴミ業者のブランと保健省のカボレとゴミアートをみながらミーティング/ held a meeting at Kinda's house with BLAN from garbage association and Kabore from Health center. 


People often say they have no money, but to earn money here from zero, we need imagination and creation. By our art, I'd like to introduce them something very new to their mind, and I hope something new and creative will happen out of it. 

みんなで/ with everyone 

P.S. お金を稼ぐ為にアートを創るのではなく、アートを創るためにお金を稼ぐキンダさんの在り方が私は大好きだ。

P.S. I love Mr. Kinda who doesn't create art in order to earn money but who earn money in order to create art. 



I was feeling like Diebougou is a place where is so far from the rest of the world. Maybe it was because I didn't have to think or do anything to get here because my move was all arranged by JICA. Or maybe because to the most of the people surrounding me, the places I've lived, the United States or Japan, are as far as space, it made me feel like I'm sort of disconnected from the other places.



Nami has arrived to Diebougou from New York. Taking STAF BUS from Ouagadougou, she has gotten to Diebougou so naturally, so easily, as if she traveled from Boston to New York, she came to Diebougou from New York. The moment she descended from the bus, my Diebougou has been linked with outside. 



She has already arrived to Burkina Faso a week before coming to Diebougou for attending her friend's wedding. She has come to love Burkina and talked a lot about how great it is. 



I didn't really have any special feelings about Burkina Faso myself. It was just where I currently live in. But more she spoked highly of it, more and more I also came to love it. Because of her, Diebougou seemed to be a great place to me as well, and I was smiling a lot.



As she has read my blog, she showed interests in my project of making arts out of garbage. We visited Mr.Kinda, the art leader of our project, and made our first art with garbage together. As Nami came to love his arts, she said she will bring his drawings back to NY, make print arts from them, and try selling them from there. Diebougou and New York has been connected by arts. 

第一号作品/ our first piece

私たちのアート企画のグループ名とロゴを作成した。グループ名は「WOUNTOGO SUI」モレ語で太陽の意味のWOUNTOGOと、水を意味するSUIを合わせたものだ。ブルキナファソと日本のコラボをニューヨークから発信する。なみが持って来ていた銅のプレートにキンダさんがロゴを入れた。

We have decided the name of our project group and created our official logo. The name is "WOUNTOGO SUI" WOUNTOGO means SUN in Moree language, and SUI represents WATER in Japanese. So it's a collaboration between Burkina Faso and Japan being distributed from New York. Mr. Kinda engraved our logo on a copper plate Nami has brought. 

ロゴ/ logo


There are many things we want to do. Creating and exporting arts from Burkina and showing them in New York, creating art objects out of garbage and protecting Diebougou from the garbage that does not return to the soil, Opening a school of arts in Diebougou, making the garbage collecting association's work to be a paid job, and so on.

なみがゴミで作ったボールで遊ぶ/Kids playing with a ball made out of garbage by Nami


It will be fun if Diebougou will be famous for arts. We'll first make a big object and place it at the city hall. I was so happy that my project and Mr. Kinda's talents have dragged Nami's interests and made her decide to join us. It's a big advance. I'm sure that 2015 will be such an exciting year. 

2014年の大晦日/ on Dec 31st, 2014