私は/ I BE

数 年前、大学に持っていく教科書たちが重くて嫌になって、それを軽減するために買った私のiPadには、教科書とか、早口過ぎてノート追いつかないけど大 事っぽい教授の授業を撮影したものとかが沢山入っている。大学が終わってからここ一年以上殆ど使ってなかったのだけれど、久しぶりに使ってみると、何だか ニューヨークの想い出が結構つまっていて、懐かしくなる。

Some years ago, because I was tired of carrying all the school books and such to my university everyday, I bought my iPad. So in my iPad, there are lots of school related things such as digital textbooks or videos from my classes.  Since graduation, for about a year and a bit, I haven't used it a lot but today, as my iPhone is completely dead, I started using it again and it brought back memories of New York.





I make my home at each location I am based in. As watching the videos of New York, I realize that NY has already become my ex-home and that I've already become a people of Diébougou, that it is my home already, and I am loving my life.



Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

今 度、ディエブグの革命家(と私は呼んでいる)のシェック・ワタラさんと、ニューヨークに住んでる写真家のミヒちゃんと一緒に、ブルキナファソ初の国際芸術 祭を行うことになっている。私は別に、そんなものがディエブグに必要かどうかなど、知らない。私は、ディエブグの一人の民として、私という人間を最大限に 活用して、仕事がしたいだけだ。

I am organizing an international art festival in Diébougou with Cheick Ouattara, who I call the revolutionary, and Mihee Suh, a photographer based in NY. I don't know if things like this is necessary or not, but I just want to work here as a people of here, with maximum of possibilities I have.



Cali, Colombia

私 はいつまでも、国籍や肌の色、育った文化で自分と他者を区別し続けることによって安定を感じながら生きることはできない。というか、枠にいれないと理解し た気になれないのなら、理解できなくたっていいと、おもう。それに、自分がどういった枠にならすんなりと収まるのか、わからない。区別によって自 分の居場所をつくるよりは、私はどちらかというと同調して、家をつくりたい。

I cannot keep distinguishing (or discriminating) one from another, including myself, regarding to one's nationality or color of skin, or the culture one has been raised in, in order to establish my stability of everyday life. In the process of understanding someone, if such categorization is necessary, I'd rather not to understand him. And I don't know into what kind of category I would be able to fit smoothly. I want to make my home, rather than to make my place by separating myself from others to say, I am right.  



Kagoshima, Japan

私 は自分を割と「国際的」な人間だと思っている。でも多文化社会であるニューヨークに住んでいても、私にとってアフリカ大陸はとても遠くに感じられた。自身 を「国際人」と呼ぶならばまずは、「国際社会」と呼ばれるナニカからアフリカを排除して、「世界の貧困」の話をするときだけ、いれてあげるのはもうやめに したい。そういう想いがあって、「アフリカ」に引っ越した。

I see myself as someone who is kind of "international." But even when I was living in NY, where should be one of the most multi-cultural cities in the world, the continent of Africa felt very very far for me. Then I thought, if I call myself a "international person," first I should stop excluding Africa from some notion that we call "International Society," and putting it back into it only when we talk about "World's Poverty," as if that is the only feature of Africa. So, I came to "Africa."





I think I have always been a type of person who takes things easy, who keeps cool always when others are frustrated because of the long list of "things to do." I'd stand there calmly and calculate the order of things to do. I choose where to show my emotion, and except the case of someone's death, I haven't really experienced something like a temper outburst. But I think, recently as the opportunity of creating something from zero has increased, I think I am experiencing more of feeling of heat and frustration sometimes. Maybe I am taking off a coat.   



Diébougou, Burkina Faso with Seveline


There is no such a thing: the universal rightness, but I am feeling worthy of my days. I live with my dear people, in my dear place, and thinking about the revitalization of our Diébougou together. I want to try to live here to the full extent of my ability.