Postcards/ ポストカード

We started making postcards to sell them here in Diebougou, Ouagadougou, New York, and maybe in Tokyo as well if possible. I've informed about our projects to other Japanese volunteers in Burkina Faso and asked what kind of postcards they would want to buy. 


As my friend Kyomi who currently is in Tokyo has kindly accepted my offer to join us and make our website, I'm expecting that in near future, we'll be able to start selling arts from Burkina internationally. And possibly make some small money to start our art school for orphans where the kids who cannot go to school can learn to make arts and sell them to earn their living in Diebougou.


We've made some samples by making use of the suggestions from other volunteers. I'd like to introduce some here.


If anyone has any opinions for our post cards or anyone is interested in purchasing some, shoot me an email or facebook me: Miyu Leilani, I'll get back to you as soon as possible. 

どんなのがいいか、意見を下さい。購入に興味を持ってくれる方がもしいれば、是非連絡してください。フェイスブックはMiyu Leilaniでやっています。宜しくお願いします。

African Dance / アフリカの踊り

The nature/ 自然

A woman with her baby on her back/ 子供を背おったお母さん

A woman with her baby on her back who makes Tô. / 子供を背負ったお母さんがトーをつくる

Farmers of Burkina Faso./ ブルキナファソの農家

Djembe/ ジャンベ