
I was feeling like Diebougou is a place where is so far from the rest of the world. Maybe it was because I didn't have to think or do anything to get here because my move was all arranged by JICA. Or maybe because to the most of the people surrounding me, the places I've lived, the United States or Japan, are as far as space, it made me feel like I'm sort of disconnected from the other places.



Nami has arrived to Diebougou from New York. Taking STAF BUS from Ouagadougou, she has gotten to Diebougou so naturally, so easily, as if she traveled from Boston to New York, she came to Diebougou from New York. The moment she descended from the bus, my Diebougou has been linked with outside. 



She has already arrived to Burkina Faso a week before coming to Diebougou for attending her friend's wedding. She has come to love Burkina and talked a lot about how great it is. 



I didn't really have any special feelings about Burkina Faso myself. It was just where I currently live in. But more she spoked highly of it, more and more I also came to love it. Because of her, Diebougou seemed to be a great place to me as well, and I was smiling a lot.



As she has read my blog, she showed interests in my project of making arts out of garbage. We visited Mr.Kinda, the art leader of our project, and made our first art with garbage together. As Nami came to love his arts, she said she will bring his drawings back to NY, make print arts from them, and try selling them from there. Diebougou and New York has been connected by arts. 

第一号作品/ our first piece

私たちのアート企画のグループ名とロゴを作成した。グループ名は「WOUNTOGO SUI」モレ語で太陽の意味のWOUNTOGOと、水を意味するSUIを合わせたものだ。ブルキナファソと日本のコラボをニューヨークから発信する。なみが持って来ていた銅のプレートにキンダさんがロゴを入れた。

We have decided the name of our project group and created our official logo. The name is "WOUNTOGO SUI" WOUNTOGO means SUN in Moree language, and SUI represents WATER in Japanese. So it's a collaboration between Burkina Faso and Japan being distributed from New York. Mr. Kinda engraved our logo on a copper plate Nami has brought. 

ロゴ/ logo


There are many things we want to do. Creating and exporting arts from Burkina and showing them in New York, creating art objects out of garbage and protecting Diebougou from the garbage that does not return to the soil, Opening a school of arts in Diebougou, making the garbage collecting association's work to be a paid job, and so on.

なみがゴミで作ったボールで遊ぶ/Kids playing with a ball made out of garbage by Nami


It will be fun if Diebougou will be famous for arts. We'll first make a big object and place it at the city hall. I was so happy that my project and Mr. Kinda's talents have dragged Nami's interests and made her decide to join us. It's a big advance. I'm sure that 2015 will be such an exciting year. 

2014年の大晦日/ on Dec 31st, 2014