ホーム-ブルキナファソ/ Home -Burkina Faso-


The moment I saw my work partner Kabore in Diebougou, I felt that I came back home. 


To adjust to a new environment, I simply make it no more new to me. So, I need my home. Not a physical house to live in but something like a home where one's heart can rest. 


Once I have it, I feel that I'm okay, I can live here. Maybe that's a feeling of finding one's place. 


After 4 days being here with them the other week, Kabore, his house, and the people who gather here have already become my home. 


So I feel I'm ready. It was fast. I thought it would take a lot longer.  Maybe I am more opened than before to accept anyone. Or maybe now I have so much things I love so that I'm looking out rather than looking into myself. 


Things I need, to live, aren't too much money or food, which would be wasted but are a few , or just one, someone who I live my life with. I care them and they care me. Just by doing that, I think I can be satisfied with my everyday living. Since the moment I decided to move to Burkina Faso, I wished to find my home here.


I don't fake myself. I don't say I know it when I don't. I don't act like I'm the same if I'm different. I'm just me, no matter where I am. 
No need to fake because I know already that even if our beliefs are totally different, just by feeling the souls, we can accept what we are, and we'd happen to love each other with no reasons. So, I have no fear. 

A map of Diebougou by Kabore