A change of regime/ 政権交代

It's been just a month since I moved to Burkina Faso and I'm now facing the moment of the great change for the country. People of Burkina stood up against to the extension of President Blaise Compaore's 27years rule by gathering and setting the parliament on fire. It ended as President Compaore resigning his position and political power was taken over by the military. 

 ブルキナファソに来て一ヶ月。この国は大きな変革の中にいる。27年大統領で居続けたBlaise Compaore氏が大統領を続けることに反対した民衆は抗議し、デモ隊が形成された。最終的にはCompaore氏が辞任、そして暫定政権は民衆側についた軍に渡った。 



 This whole thing had happened within less than two days and this is what is called "a coup d'état." 





 Being born and raised in a country which doesn't have a military (for form's sake,) I didn't even have the right understanding of the word " coup d'état." 





 Please don't take it wrong. If you only understand Burkina Faso as some country where has recently experienced a coups d'état, you might have wrong images of the country. Burkina Faso is a nice country, people are relatively calm and it usually lacks aggressiveness as a whole. I've heard that even during this big incident, people in the countrysides were peacefully living as usual. 





 Also, please not to worry. I'm safe. Being told by my organization JICA, I'm staying home safe and watching how it will go as gathering info through internet and discussing with people. I'm doing well. 





About 6 years ago when I moved to NY, it was also right before the change of regime from the former president Bush to the current president Obama. The very first thing I had to learn in the states was its country's political situation, in order to catch up with everyone who lived there. Again, here in Burkina, I'm learning a lot about its politics. 





 I was and still am here in Burkina Faso at this important moment. I know it's the moment of change. But I don't know the former Burkina Faso enough to be able to feel the change, and I don't know how to digest the moment. As I would never know how the life in the U.S. was under the presidency of Mr. Bush, if I can continue my life in Burkina, this new Burkina Faso that people are going to create from now on, will be my Burkina, and I certainly would be a part of it. 

